The utility repository is a utility/administration program for Windows environments that can be used to check the status of different modules (e.g. AT24C0X, MAX721X, ...) and/or analyse SPI/TWI/CAN bus and/or different signal types. To use the utility software STK500/STK600/Megacard, basys3 and/or raspberry PI/Arietta G25 is necessary. Some of the modules do not work with every platform. The Firmware should be programmed to the boards (see programming firmware note). In future there will be an adaption with QT so that also linux users can run the project. The utility software supports (@ the moment) only the STK500/STK600/Megacard adaption. Future adaptions will be realeased soon.
- Supported Modules
- EEPROM (AT24CXX/...)
- DISPLAY (MAX721X/...)
- Development BUS-Systems
- Additional Hardware
- STK500/STK600/Megacard
- Basys3
- raspberry PI/Arietta G25
- Development Software
- Atmel Studio (uC C/C++)
- Eclipse (ARM Linux)
- Xilinx Vivado (VHDL)
In progress...
This files are valid for all repositories at the SUNriaX Github!
You can find more additional information in the manual repository and/or visit the WIKI for further information (currently under construction).
If there are any further questions feel free to start an issue or contact us, we try to react as quick as possible.
R. GÄCHTER, Rankweil Dec/2017