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Signed-off-by: George Lemon <>
  • Loading branch information
georgelemon committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent b5c2a0c commit 83dfc13
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 54 deletions.
139 changes: 85 additions & 54 deletions src/enimsql/private/query.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,6 +95,8 @@ type
whereBranches*: seq[Query] # ntInfix
of ntOr:
orBranches*: seq[Query] # ntInfix
of ntAnd:
andBranches*: seq[Query] # ntInfix
of ntUpdate, ntUpdateAll:
updateFields: seq[(SQLColumn, string)]
updateCondition*: Query
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +159,8 @@ proc newWhereStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntWhere)
proc newSelectStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntSelect)
proc newUpdateStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntUpdate)
proc newUpdateAllStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntUpdateAll)
proc newOrStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntOr)
proc newOrStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntOr)
proc newAndStmt*: Query = Query(nt: ntAnd)
proc newLimitFilter*(i: int): Query = Query(nt: ntLimit, limitNumber: i)

proc newInfixExpr*(lhs, rhs: string, op: SQLOperator): Query =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,36 +286,30 @@ proc sql*(node: Query, k: string, values: var seq[string]): string =
for filter in node.selectQueryFilters:
add result, indent(sql(filter, k, values), 1)
of ntWhere:
var infixExprs, infixGroups: seq[string]
for branch in node.whereBranches:
case branch.nt
of ntInfix:
add result, q("where").indent(1)
# var val: string
# when nimvm:
# val =
# case StaticSchema[k].tColumns[branch.infixLeft].cType
# of Boolean, Int, Numeric, Money, Serial:
# # branch.infixRight
# "'" & branch.infixRight & "'"
# else:
# "'" & branch.infixRight & "'"
# else:
# val =
# case Models[k].tColumns[branch.infixLeft].cType
# of Boolean, Int, Numeric, Money, Serial:
# "'" & branch.infixRight & "'"
# else:
# "'" & branch.infixRight & "'"
add result, branch.infixLeft.escape.indent(1)
add result, indent($(branch.infixOp), 1)
# add result, branch.infixRight.escape(prefix = "'", suffix = "'").indent(1)
add result, indent("?", 1)
var infixExpr = branch.infixLeft.escape.indent(1)
add infixExpr, indent($(branch.infixOp), 1)
add infixExpr, indent("?", 1)
add values, branch.infixRight
of ntOr:
add result, sql(branch, k, values)
add infixExprs, infixExpr
of ntOr, ntAnd:
add infixGroups, sql(branch, k, values)
else: discard
of ntOr:
result = indent($OR, 1)
add result, q("where").indent(1)
add result, infixExprs.join(indent("AND", 1))
of ntOr, ntAnd:
var branches: seq[Query]
result =
case node.nt
of ntOr:
branches = node.orBranches
indent($OR, 1)
branches = node.andBranches
indent($AND, 1)
for branch in node.orBranches:
case branch.nt
of ntInfix:
Expand All @@ -320,7 +318,6 @@ proc sql*(node: Query, k: string, values: var seq[string]): string =
add result, indent("?", 1)
add values, branch.infixRight
else: discard # todo
# add result, sql(node, k)
of ntUpdate, ntUpdateAll:
result = q("update") % k
var updates: seq[string]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,22 +499,36 @@ proc where*(q: QueryBuilder, key: string,
## Use `where` proc to add "WHERE" clauses to the query
result = q
checkColumn key:
var whereStmt = newWhereStmt()
add whereStmt.whereBranches, newInfixExpr(key, val, op)
let infixExpr = newInfixExpr(key, val, op)
case q[1].nt
of ntSelect:
q[1].selectCondition = whereStmt
if q[1].selectCondition == nil:
q[1].selectCondition = newWhereStmt()
add q[1].selectCondition.whereBranches, infixExpr
of ntUpdate:
q[1].updateCondition = whereStmt
if q[1].updateCondition == nil:
q[1].updateCondition = newWhereStmt()
add q[1].selectCondition.whereBranches, infixExpr
of ntOr:
add q[1].orBranches, whereStmt.whereBranches
var whereStmt = newWhereStmt()
add whereStmt.whereBranches, infixExpr
add q[1].orBranches, whereStmt
of ntAnd:
var whereStmt = newWhereStmt()
add whereStmt.whereBranches, infixExpr
add q[1].andBranches, whereStmt
raise newException(EnimsqlQueryDefect,
"Invalid use of `WHERE` statement for " & $q[1].nt)

proc where*(q: QueryBuilder, key, val: string): QueryBuilder {.discardable.} =
result = q.where(key, EQ, val)

proc where*(q: QueryBuilder, kv: varargs[(string, SQLOperator, string)]): QueryBuilder {.discardable.} =
for x in kv:
q.where(x[0], x[1], x[2])
result = q

proc orWhere*(q: QueryBuilder, handle: proc(q: QueryBuilder)): QueryBuilder =
## Use the `orWhere` proc to join a clause to the
## query using the `or` operator
Expand All @@ -526,6 +537,14 @@ proc orWhere*(q: QueryBuilder, handle: proc(q: QueryBuilder)): QueryBuilder =
add q[1].selectCondition.whereBranches, q2[1]
result = q

proc andWhere*(q: QueryBuilder, handle: proc(q: QueryBuilder)): QueryBuilder =
## Use the `andWhere` proc to join a caluse to the query
## using the `AND` operator
var q2 = (q[0], newAndStmt())
add q[1].selectCondition.whereBranches, q2[1]
result = q

proc update*(model: Model,
pairs: varargs[(string, string)]): QueryBuilder =
result = (model, newUpdateStmt())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,8 +603,20 @@ template exists*(m: Model, colName, expectValue: string): bool =
var values: seq[string]
let x =, expectValue).limit(1)
let q = sql(x[1], m.tName, values)
let res = dbcon.getRow(SQLQuery("SELECT EXISTS (" & q & ")"), values)
len(res) > 0
let status = dbcon.getValue(SQLQuery("SELECT EXISTS (" & q & ")"), values)
if status == "t": true
else: false

template exists*(m: Model, kv: varargs[(string, string)]): bool =
var values: seq[string]
var qbuilder =
for x in kv:
qbuilder.where(x[0], x[1])
discard qbuilder.limit(1)
let qstr = sql(qbuilder[1], m.tName, values)
let status = dbcon.getValue(SQLQuery("SELECT EXISTS (" & qstr & ")"), values)
if status == "t": true
else: false

template getAll*(q: QueryBuilder): untyped =
## Execute the query and returns a `Collection`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,26 +647,6 @@ macro initModel*(T: typedesc, x: seq[string]): untyped =
add result, quote do:

macro `@`*(x: untyped): untyped =
## Convert expression to pairs of `column_key: some value`
## This macro is similar with `%*` from `std/json`
case x.kind
of nnkTableConstr:
var x = x
for i in 0..<x.len:
x[i].expectKind nnkExprColonExpr
case x[i][1].kind
of nnkIntLit:
x[i][1] = newLit($(x[i][1].intVal))
of nnkFloatLit:
x[i][1] = newLit($(x[i][1].floatVal))
of nnkIdent:
if x[i][1].eqIdent"true" or x[i][1].eqIdent "false":
x[i][1] = newLit(x[i][1].strVal)
else: discard
return newCall(ident"toOrderedTable", x)
else: error("Invalid expression, expected curly braces")

template getAll*(q: QueryBuilder, T: typedesc): untyped =
## Execute the query and returns a collection of objects `T`.
## This works only for a `Model` defined at compile-time
Expand All @@ -647,6 +658,26 @@ template getAll*(q: QueryBuilder, T: typedesc): untyped =
add collections, initModel(T, res)

template get*(q: QueryBuilder): untyped =
var values: seq[string]
let x = SQLQuery(sql(q[1], q[0].tName, values))
var row = getRow(dbcon, x, values)
var results = initCollection[SQLValue]()
if row.len > 0:
if q[1].selectColumns.len > 0:
for i in 0..row.high:
var e = Entry[SQLValue]()
e[q[1].selectColumns[i]] = newSQLText(row[i])
add results, e
let keys = q[0].tColumns.keys.toSeq()
for i in 0..row.high:
var e = Entry[SQLValue]()
e[keys[i]] = newSqlValue(q[0].tColumns[keys[i]].cType, row[i])
add results, e

template exec*(q: QueryBuilder): untyped =
## Use it inside a `withDB` context to execute a query
var values: seq[string]
Expand Down

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