#Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.1.0 (03/24/2017)
Released on Thursday, March 24, 2017. All issues associated with this milestone can be found using this filter.
- #41dd312: Added 'data-duration' attribute in Alert component.
- #f41df18: Added css and class to vertically middle align the modalbox component.
- #26f7356: Modified Dropdown component's css animation property.
- #26f7356: Resolved Dropdown component's toggle issue for mobile and tablet devices.
- #ce8e4bc: Resolved Floating label alignment issue in Select 2 component, when initial value was null.
- #be27f64: Resolved Sidebar overlay closing issue for window resize function.
- #44662c8: Resolved Browser Console error issue coming in DateTimePicker component on selecting datepicker only.
- #be27f64: Fixed 'data-duration' issue in Alert component.
- #315f701: Fixed active tab bar and navigation arrow alignment issue and active tab container width issue in Scrollable Tab component for Window resize function.
- #be27f64: Restricted the ripple effect animtion area within the button width for Floating Action Button component.