Ansible playbooks for Satellite 6 systems' management.
This repository will be Python3.6 based.
You need Ansible 2.5.0+ installed.
We also recommend to install yamllint, ansible-lint and ansible-review.
Befor running any Satellite6 playbooks,
Check and Install the roles from ansible galaxy, if any
# ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Check and configure required variables in
by first making a copy of it. (i.e RHSM Credentials, Satellite setup links and so on).cp satellite_common.yml satellite_common.local.yml
Make a copy of inventory from inventory.sample file.
# cp inventory.sample inventory
Make sure that SSH Keys are exchanged and placed for the user root.
# ssh-copy-id
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/install/satellite_63.yml
Please read if you wish to contribute.
ansible-satellite6 is licensed under GPL version 3.