- input_image
- output_image
- input_params (maybe)
- new_request_form (also the landing page)
- show_request_form
- RequestsController
- new
- create
- show
- download
PBN Module (this contains logic to convert an image to PBN)
Improve PBN Module
Install ImageMagick to CI
HTTP Basic Authentication
Remove requests that are 15mins old
Set up deploy to Heroku
Set up CD from GitHub to deploy to Heroku when merged to master
- This command works for getting rid of black color:
convert test_image.png -fuzz 25% -fill white -opaque black test_image_output_4.png
- This command removes the color
convert test_image.png -fuzz 10% -transparent 'srgba(255,144,0,1)' -transparent black -transparent white -border 20 test_image_output_4.png
- This command spits out all coordinates and colors of all the pixels (x,y,color)
convert test_image.png -fuzz 10% -transparent white sparse-color:-
- Start with 10 most frequently occurring colors and get their coordinates
convert test_image_output_4.png -font Arial -pointsize 5 -draw "gravity south fill black text 33,44 '(1)'" test_image_output_5.png
- Follow this blog post: https://medium.com/@davidteren/rails-6-and-tailwindcss-getting-started-42ba59e45393