A tool to integrate and analyze mortgage datasets in different formats from various sources.
This is a project for the Insight Data Engineering program (New York, Spring 2019).
Mortgage is an important method for people to get financed to buy home. Around 78% of houses in US in 2018 were purchased with mortgage. In the mortgage market, single family mortgage loans are a type with large total amount. By 2018 Q3, over 2/3 of all holders' outstanding loans in US are single-famliy mortgage loans.
Hence, accurately and effectively analyze the single-family mortgage market is important for participants in this market.
In this project, we use big data technologies such as S3, Spark, PostgreSQL(on RDS) on AWS to build a tool to ingest, integrate, clean and analyze single family mortgage datasets released by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
This project aims at creating a robust data pipeline for integrating the multiple datasets about single-family mortgage loans.
Raw data are published by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, which are a large portion of the single-family mortgage loans they acquired.
Data Download: python is used to download datasets from corresponding websites
File System: AWS S3 is used to store unzipped txt files
Batch Processing: ETL job are done using Spark (pyspark)
Data Warehouse: Postgre SQL on AWS RDS instance
The download and etl process is scheduled using Airflow.
Freddie Mac: Freddie Mac data, for period from 1999 to 2017
Fannie Mae: Fannie Mae data, from 2000 to 2018
Install and configure AWS CLI and Pegasus on your local machine, and clone this repository using
git clone git@github.com:sylviaxxy/OneMortgage.git
AWS security groups setting: Add your local IP to your AWS VPC inbound rules
Pegasus: Set up as the guide of Pegasus.
To reproduce my environment, 4 m4.large AWS EC2 instances and 1 micro instance are needed:
- Spark Cluster Node (4 m4.large instances) for batch job
- Dash Node (a micro instance qualified for AWS free-tier)
The Apache Airflow scheduler can be installed on the master node of spark-batch-cluster.
The PostgreSQL database sits on AWS RDS instance.
Configuration settings for PostgreSQL, AWS S3 bucket, as well as the schemas for the data are stored.
Run bash/run_batch.sh
on the master of spark-batch-cluster to run the batch job only once.
Run bash/run_airflow.sh
on the master of spark-batch-cluster to add the batch job to the scheduler. The batch job is set to execute every month, and it can be started and monitored using Airflow UI.
After complete the batch processing, run bash/run_app.sh
to run the Dash app.
| |____database
| | |____create_schema.sql
| |____app
| | |____app.py
| |____bash
| | |____run_batch.sh
| | |____download_fannie.sh
| | |____download_freddie.sh
| | |____run_app.sh
| | |____run_airflow.sh
| |____Airflow
| | |____airflow_scheduler.py
| |____data_download
| | |____freddie_data_prepare.py
| | |____fannie_data_prepare.py
| |____batch_processing
| | |____elt.py
Sylvia Xu