This applicaiton takes a hand of five cards and determines its rank amongst ten different ranks, 1 being the highest.
- Royal Flush Same as a Straight Flush (below) but with Ace high. For example, heartA-heartK-heartQheartJheart10 is a royal flush.
- Straight Flush Five cards of the same suit in sequence - such as clubJ-club10-club9-club8-club7. Optional: An ace can be counted as low, so heart5-heart4-heart3-heart2-heartA is a straight flush, but its top card is the five, not the ace, so it is the lowest type of straight flush. The cards cannot "turn the corner": diamond4-diamond3-diamond2-diamondA-diamondK is not valid.
- Four of a kind Four cards of the same rank - such as four queens. The fifth card can be anything. This combination is sometimes known as "quads", and in some parts of Europe it is called a "poker", though this term for it is unknown in English.
- Full House This consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank - for example three sevens and two tens (colloquially known as "sevens full" or more specifically "sevens on tens").
- Flush Five cards of the same suit. For example, spadeK-spadeJ-spade9-spade3-spade2.
- Straight Five cards of mixed suits in sequence - for example spadeQ-diamondJ-heart10-spade9-club8. Optional: Ace can count high or low in a straight, but not both at once, so A-K-Q-J-10 and 5-4-3- 2-A are valid straights, but 2-A-K-Q-J is not.
- Three of a Kind Three cards of the same rank plus two other cards. This combination is also known as Triplets or Trips. Example 5-5-5-3-2.
- Two Pairs A pair is two cards of equal rank. In a hand with two pairs, the two pairs are of different ranks (otherwise you would have four of a kind), and there is an odd card to make the hand up to five cards. Example J-J-2-2-4.
- Pair A hand with two cards of equal rank and three other cards which do not match these or each other. Example 6-6-4-3-2.
- High Card Five cards which do not form any of the combinations listed above. Example: A-J-9-5-3.
All numbered cards are represented by their corresponding number. "2" = 2, "3" = 3, "7" = 7, "10" = 10 etc... All face cards are represented by the first letter in their name. "A" = Ace, "K" = King, "Q" = Queen and "J" = Jack
All card suites are represented by the first letter in the suite name. "C" = Clubs, "D" = Diamonds, "H" = Hearts and "S" = Spades
--card1 <type>,<suite>
First card in hand, represented by a tuple. ie: 3,D ("Three of Diamonds")
--card2 <type>,<suite>
Second card in hand, represented by a tuple. ie: J,S ("Jack of Spades")
--card3 <type>,<suite>
Third card in hand, represented by a tuple. ie: Q,C ("Queen of Clubs")
--card4 <type>,<suite>
Fourth card in hand, represented by a tuple. ie: A,D ("Ace of Diamonds")
--card5 <type>,<suite>
Fifth card in hand, represented by a tuple. ie: 2,H ("Two of Hearts")
--logFile <logging file>
(Optional) File to output log to. ie: "log.log". Default is "rankHand.log".
--logLevel <loglevel>
(Optional) Logging level. ie: "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG"
python --card1 A,C --card2 J,S --card3 J,C --card4 K,S --card5 K,C --logFile log.log --logLevel WARN
Hand is Two Pairs.
Rank of hand is 8.
Hand: A,C - J,S - J,C - K,S - K,C
python --card1 A,C --card2 J,S --card3 4,D --card4 6,S --card5 K,C
Hand is High Card.
Rank of hand is 10.
Hand: A,C - J,S - 4,D - 6,S - K,C