Actionscript library to handle percent encoding/decoding.
I often encounter a situation where percent encoding is done in the charset other than UTF-8 ouside of actionscript(especially at server side), and built-in methods like escape/unescape or escapeMultiByte/unecapeMutliByte doesn't help since they only support UTF-8 or charset specified in System.useCodePage.
import urlencode.URIString;
public function doSomething():void{
var reqUrl:String="";
var aryParams:Array = reqUrl.replace(/.*\?(.*)/,"$1").split("&");
var params:Object = {};
for(var i:int=0;i < aryParams.length;i++){
var key:String = aryParams[i].split("=")[0];
var val:String = aryParams[i].split("=")[1];
params[key]= val;
trace(params["msg"]); // "%93%FA%96%7B%8C%EA"
var decoder:URIString = new URIString(params["msg"]);
trace(decoder.decode(URIString.SHIFT_JIS)); // "日本語"
- Add escape(encode) function(Only SHIFT_JIS unescaping has been implemented so far...).
- Add charsets support other than SHIFT_JIS.