this repo is for to update the meta.yml file of the openpecha opfs
#Required Changes
- when you get the meta.yml file check if the there are "id" and "initial_creation_type" and if there are none then
create new one and the "id" should be the opf number (P00???)
1. if there are "id" and "initial_creation_type"
but if the id : opecha : P00??? then omit the opecha from all the "id"
in the meta.yml of all the opfs
- If the "initial_creation_type" is ocr then
1. Get the Image_group and the vol_num from the pagination.yml in the layers of the opfs
and check the meta.yml file to look for the same image_group and add base_file: vol_num in the dictionary
2. Change the "volume" to "volumnes"