Taiwo's pyspark dataframe feature extraction problem.
Problem description
This problem can be found on StackOverflow. It involves a search vis-a-vis pattern matching in two dimensional array space; and, it can be regarded as a two-dimensional pattern matching problem(Ref. [1]).
For example:
Given a pyspark dataframe of the form:
id col1 col2 col3 col4
as1 4 10 4 6
as2 6 3 6 1
as3 6 0 2 1
as4 8 8 6 1
as5 9 6 6 9
The objective is to search the col 2-4 of the pyspark dataframe for values in col1 and to return the id row-name(s), column-name(s). The feasible solutions are the following:
In col1, 4 is found in (as1, col3)
In col1, 6 is found in (as2,col3),(as1,col4),(as4, col3) (as5,col3)
In col1, 8 is found in (as4,col2)
In col1, 9 is found in (as5,col4)
Hint: Assume that col1 is a set: {4,6,8,9} i.e. distinct
An attempt is made to solve the above problem statement using pyspark.
Window users, run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/taiwotman/pyspark-dataframe-searcher.git
spark2-submit --py-files job_searchdataframe.zip main.py --search >> output_`date +\%m\%d\%y\%T`.txt
Unix user, run the bash script: run.ksh.
chmod 777 run.ksh
Refer to the output text file
pip install pyspark
To do:
- Improve the runtime(i.e. End-time minus Start-time)
- Improve the search to obtain the rows and columns(i.e. x,y coordinates) of feasible solutions.
- J. Alwidian, H. Abu-Mansour and M. Ali, "Efficient algorithm for two dimensional pattern matching problem (non-square pattern)," 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services, Sousse, 2012, pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/ICITeS.2012.6216622
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