Through the use of image steganography, our website allows users to hide text in their photos. Users are able to create their own accounts where they upload images with embeded messages. These message can allow for keeping a private journal, hiding information in plain sight, and creating hidden watermarks.
Aszti Chadzynski
Eric Truong
Tanner Garcia
Dominik Kapuscinski
- Go (project built on 1.19.5)
- Angular
First clone the project locally
git clone
Next, start a MySQL instance.
Ensure that 2 databases exist: images and users
Create directory "uploads" in the backend directory
Navigate to the backend/cmd directory and start the backend go server
go run main.go
In a separate terminal, navigate to the frontend folder.
Build and run the angular application
npm install
ng serve
The application is now running. Navigate to the provided link in your web browser to view it.