Progetto per Technologies for Advanced Programming
Run with
docker compose up
Web uis
- Stalwart
- Redpanda (kafka ui)
- Grafana
- Flink UI (IF run in session or application mode)
Get stalwart-cli
mkdir stalwart-mail
Run docker The first time stalwart is run, it will print the admin password, save it
Set hostname to 'localhost' and allow IMAP plain text auth then reload
Create domain and user
stalwart-cli -u https://localhost domain create ''
stalwart-cli -u https://localhost account create -d "John Snow" -i false -a "" john 123456
stalwart-cli -u https://localhost import messages -f mbox john /path/to/file.mbox
Create directory secrets Create file secrets/logstash-kewystore and secrets/user-passowrd and fill them.
Download the kafka connector
cd flink/pyflink/
Import the dashboard configurations from ./grafana via web ui, manually configure the elasticsearch source (just the url)