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Simple Node.js script to generate CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files from ECMAScript, Pug, and SCSS files.


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Simple Node.js script to generate CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files from ECMAScript, Pug, and SCSS files.

Paket, paket Node.js apa yang digemari para suami? Namanya @taufik-nurrohman/factory. Karena cara pakainya npm run pack. Xixixi lucu yah pack 😁


mkdir my-project
mkdir my-project/src
mkdir my-project/dist

Paste your *.scss, *.mjs, and *.pug files to .\my-project\src folder.

cd my-project
npm install @taufik-nurrohman/factory --save-dev

Create a scripts field that runs the pack command in .\my-project\package.json

  "scripts": {
    "pack": "pack --from=src --to=dist"

Generate the production ready files this way:

npm run pack

File extension from the source folder will be removed. Make sure to name your files with two file extension like so:

  • index.css.scss
  • index.html.pug
  • index.js.mjs
  • index.php.pug
  • LICENSE.txt
  • LICENSE.txt.txt

So that in the distributable folder, your files will be renamed to:

  • index.css
  • index.html
  • index.js
  • index.php
  • LICENSE.txt


Use “fetch” syntax in *.mjs and *.scss files with a valid file path to load it inline:

/// FETCH('../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css');
/// FETCH('../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js');

External URL will be downloaded, and its content will replace the “fetch” block:

/// FETCH('');
/// FETCH('');


Key Description
--clean Clean-up the old compiled files before re-compile (default to true).
--from Folder path to store the files to be compiled (default to "src").
--js-bottom Insert string at the bottom of the file (default to "").
--js-exports What export mode to use? (default to "auto").
--js-external JavaScript external module names (default to "").
--js-format JavaScript module format (default to "iife").
--js-globals JavaScript global variables (default to ""). Example: --js-globals="jquery:jQuery,react:React,vue:Vue".
--js-name JavaScript module name (default to "").
--js-top Insert string at the top of the file (default to "").
--mjs Include MJS files to the output.
--pug Include PUG files to the output.
--scss Include SCSS files to the output.
--silent Disable logging (default to false).
--to Folder path to store the compiled files (default to "dist").
--version Show version information.