A small applet for Ubuntu/Unity users to do time tracking on your Planio/Redmine projects and tasks.
Click on the application indicator and choose a project or ticket to start time tracking. Click stop when you are finished or click on the next task to start with the next task. If there is another project/tasks tracking time it will be stopped. All the times will be stored locally until you upload them.
Use https://rvm.io/ Install dependencies (ruby-libappindicator is required, libnotify is optional for notifications):
sudo apt-get install libappindicator-dev libinotify-ruby libgtk2-ruby libnotify-dev;
gem install ruby-libappindicator
gem install libnotify
Configure your plan.io (or redmine or derivate like chiliproject): Check that the rest api is enabled on the authentication tab on https://pidoco.plan.io/settings Find your apikey on the right side panel on https://pidoco.plan.io/my/account
Create the folder .planio in your home dir and a file called .planio/config with two lines:
domain: your_team.plan.io
apikey: your_api_key
Check it out and try running it:
git clone git@github.com:tec/planio-timetracker-gtk.git
cd planio-timetracker-gtk
You might want to put it into your autostart.
It probably works in any redmine installation. I only tested it with http://plan.io . Patches welcome.
It probably won't work in other desktop environments out of the box. However it will probably be quite easy to be fixed if you have gtk installed. Have a look on lib/planio_menu.rb in the constructor of the PlanioMenu class. You'll probably want to create something else than AppIndicator. Patches welcome. Same applies to other Linux distributions.
Fork it and do whatever you want. Merge requests, feature ideas, bug reports, thank you emails are welcome.