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CarCutter Car Warehouse Inventory and Dealerships

Important Links

Assignment Link

  1. Live Site on FireBase
  2. Live Site on Netlify
  3. Server Site host into Heroku


  1. QNA : What different between nodejs and mongodb?
  2. QNA : What different between SQL and NoSQL?

This Full-Stack web site developed with

  • Html
  • Css
  • JavaScript
  • React Js
  • React Router
  • Firebase
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB

I use Framework & Library For made More futuristic

  1. React carousel
  2. React Reload Animation
  3. Pagination
  4. Active Router
  5. React Video Player
  6. React-Toastify
  7. React Form
  8. Tailwind
  9. Bootstrap Table 10 FontAwesome 11 Environment Variable 12 Axios
**IN Netlify its ok**

### Site Overview

**Resposive Mobile**