Changes (since 2.17.0):
- Add: new JEXL get TimeZone Offset (valid for summer winter schedulles) and binary shifting for bitwise operator
- Add: new JEXL transformation for Array.slice(init, end) in order to simplify binary-frame-string field extraction
- Fix: IOTA sends illegal entity type or entity id to CB (#1124)
- Fix: include attribute metadata in attribute device info for API requests (#1115)
- Fix: set status code response from CB for EntityGenericError is raised (#1109)
- FIx: export fillDomains function to iotagent-node-lib available functions (needed to fix logs in iotagent-json#587 and iotagent-ul#508)
- Fix: keep internalAttributes stored in device mongo collection when update it (#1092)
- Fix: accept the entry internal_attributes in a PUT /iot/devices/:deviceId (#1083)
- Fix: amend null processing for NGSI-LD (#1118)
- Fix: support of same entity_id and diferent entity_type in multientity plugin (#1127)
- Fix: align the NGSI-v2 provisioning keywords Text and TextUnrestricted to map directly to NGSI-LD Property (#1131)
- Fix: JEXL undefined, null and falsy values support (#1132)
- Updated JEXL dependecy from 2.1.1 to 2.3.0 to allow the usage of NGSI operators ($inc, etc.)
- Remove: NGSI-v1 implementation (#966)