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Stefan Dumont edited this page Dec 17, 2013 · 15 revisions


ediarum is a package of three different combinable software solutions and technologies: eXistdb, Oxygen XML Author and ConTeXt. The package and multiple extensions - not the software himself - are developed by TELOTA - an iniatitve for the "Digital Humanities" at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Together these options create a digital work environment in which manuscripts and other TEI-XML documents can easily be transcribed and edited. Note that ediarum must always be customized for the individual project.

Oxygen XML framework

The central software component is Oxygen XML Author. TELOTA developed for each project an "Oxygen XML framework" (also known as "documenttype association"). Oxygen XML offers out-of-the-box various Java operations that enable users to mark up an XML document by simply clicking a button. With ediarum.jar we have extended these operations by adding a few more - especially operations for working with a central index xml file in an database.

See Wiki for a [documentation of all Java operations](\)) - also available in [german](\))


All files are released under LGPL. See licence files (GPL.txt and LGPL.txt).

More Information

You can find more information about "ediarum" on the projects webpage

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