Fixes a bug with typed search attributes for child workflows not being properly applied to new child workflow executions.
Specific Changes
2024-03-12 - 9c42221 - Make client Dial context controlable by callers (#1416)
2024-03-13 - 03d7704 - Update readme badge to github action (#1422)
2024-03-18 - 3da09e0 - Switch github runner to macos-14 (m1) (#1421)
2024-03-25 - 00fd4cd - Remove experimental flag from Start Delay (#1428)
2024-04-04 - 0cfdccb - Clarified description of workflow.Now (#1430)
2024-04-08 - 108aac8 - Fix support for typed search attributes in child workflow options (#1434)
2024-04-09 - a02b92e - Add support for unit testing child workflows that call continue-as-new (#1437)
2024-04-10 - 0007eee - Bump api-go to 1.32.0 to include Versioning 2 API changes (#1439)