This repository provides basic qlik sense client managed hooks and operators to trigger reloads of applications, tasks available in a Qlik Sense Client Managed Site.
The package has been tested with Python 3.7, Python 3.8.
Package | Version |
apache-airflow | >2.0 |
By using Pypi,
pip install airflow-provider-qlik-sense-client-managed
In Local,
To install it, download and unzip source and launch the following pip install command:
pip install .
You can also use
python install
On this provider, you can use three way to let Airflow connecting to your Qlik Sense Client Managed Site.
• NTLM Authentification: Authentification with a username and password used in Qlik in everyday life. Warning: Airflow will have the same rights of the user you provide.
• JWT Authentification: Authentification with a jwt token that you provide to Airflow. Warning: A JWT virtual proxy will have to be create on your Qlik Sense Site. To do this you can following the step of the section Appendix: How to create a JWT Virtual Proxy in Qlik or this article from Qlik Community:
• Certificates Authentification: Authentification with Certificates. Warning: In this case, you'll have to take client certificate generated by your Qlik Sense site during installation. The port 4242 MUST be open on your Qlik Sense Site from Airflow Server. With this type of authentifcation, Airflow will use sa_api user to trigger tasks, or application reloading.
• A login account with password
• URL of your Qlik Sense Site (with the virtual proxy using NTLM auth)
Step 1: Login in your Airflow Server.
Step 2: Go into Admin > Connections > Add A New Record.
Step 3: Select [NTLM] Qlik Sense Client Managed.
Step 4 Provide following informations:
• Connection Id of your choise
• Qlik Sense Url using the NTLM Virtual Proxy
• Qlik Username (DOMAIN\USERNAME)
• Qlik Password
Step 5 Save and your connection to Qlik Client Managed using NTLM auth is ready to use !
• A JWT token of the user that you want to trigger action with
• URL of your Qlik Sense Site (with the virtual proxy using JWT auth). If you don't have any JWT virtual proxy on your Qlik Sense Site, please follow:
Step 1: Login in your Airflow Server.
Step 2: Go into Admin > Connections > Add A New Record.
Step 3: Select [JWT] Qlik Sense Client Managed.
Step 4 Provide following informations:
• Connection Id of your choise
• Qlik Sense Url using the JWT Virtual Proxy
• Qlik JWT Token
Step 5 Save and your connection to Qlik Client Managed using NTLM auth is ready to use !
Builing the section. No available yet.
You can now use the operators in your dags to trigger a reload of an app in Qlik Sense from Airflow
from airflow.providers.qlik_sense.operators.reload_app_operator import QlikSenseReloadAppOperator
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from datetime import timedelta
default_args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
'depends_on_past': False,
'email': [''],
'email_on_failure': False,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 1,
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)
idApp="" #Fill the id of your application you want to reload
connId="" #Fill the connection id you gave when creating the connection in airflow
with DAG(
description='A simple tutorial DAG reloading Qlik Sense App',
tags=['Qlik', 'Example'],
) as dag:
op = QlikSenseReloadAppOperator(app_id=idApp, conn_id=connId, task_id="QlikReloadTask")
Building Section not available yet