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VocView: a SKOS vocabulary viewer web application written in Python. Tags: RDF, OWL, RDFS, SKOS, vocabularies, taxonomies, RDFLib, pyLDAPI, triplestore, Linked Data, Semantic Web


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A Python web application to serve SKOS-encoded vocabularies as Linked Data.

VocView instances

Click on a badge to see a live instance of VocView.





SKOS stands for Simple Knowledge Organization System, a W3C recommendation, as of April, 2019.

SKOS is used to create controlled vocabularies and taxonomies using the RDF model. Combined with models created in the Web Ontology Language (OWL), SKOS allows Semantic Web users to provide information in an unambiguous, interoperable, and reusable manner.

Linked Data

VocView uses the pyLDAPI library to provide registry information as Linked Data. The library also provides VocView with different views of things. For example, a register view to describe a register and its items, an alternates view, to describe the alternative views of the same resource, and a SKOS view, to describe SKOS concept schemes and concepts.

VocView also provides different formats for things, such as text/html, text/turtle, application/rdf+xml, etc.

Specifying views and formats can be done by using the query string arguments _view and _format or content negotiation with an Accept header.

Example usage

The above request will show the HTML page of the alternates view, and display all the available views and formats in a table.

All vocabulary data are accessible via the Linked Data API.

Getting started


Clone this repository's master branch

git clone

Change directory into vocview and install the Python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: Python virtualenv is highly recommended. See this article on Python virtual environments.


Add some vocabulary sources in the vocabs.yaml file

    format: turtle
    source: skos.ttl
    format: turtle
  resource_endpoint: '{}?includeVersions=true&includeAccessPoints=true&includeRelatedEntitiesAndVocabularies=false'
  download_endpoint: '{}'
  extension: ttl # Use Turtle as it has excellent compression compared to other RDF serialisations
  format: turtle
  ids: [
    245, # CORVEG

The example snippet above shows how to enable three types of vocabulary files, an online file, a local file, and a file accessed via Research Vocabularies Australia's (RVA) API.

The material_types is an online file (hence the download node), where the source node lists the absolute URL of the file. The format node tells the RDFLib parser what format the file is in. See the list of available parsers for RDFLib here.

The local node lists RDF files on the local filesystem. By default, the path of the source node is relative to the local_vocabs directory in this repository.

The RVA resource finds the latest API endpoint for a given project referenced by the ID 245. The extension informs the API what format we want to download and the format informs the VocView system what file type to expect. The resource_endpoint is used to determine the RVA project's latest version's download ID. The download ID is then used with the download_endpoint to download the latest RDF resource.

Note: there is significance with loading in the skos.ttl file, which is a modified version of the SKOS definition. The modifications consist of removing a few rdfs:subPropertyOfstatements used by the rule-based inference engine (discussed later). Loading this file in to the graph allows the inferencer to create new triples.

Rule-based inferencing


VocView utilises the Python rule-based inferencer for RDF known as owlrl. The inferencer is used in VocView to expand the graph on SKOS-specific properties. To expand the graph on SKOS properties, ensure that the skos.ttl is declared in vocabs.yaml. Additional ontologies can also be loaded in to expand the graph further.

A good example of why an inferencing engine is used in VocView is to expand properties that have inverse properties of itself. For example, declaring top concepts with skos:topConceptOf need only be declared within concepts of a concept scheme. The inferencing engine is capable of performing a deductive closure and add the inverse statements of skos:topConceptOf to the concept scheme as skos:hasTopConcept. The HTML view of the concept scheme will now display a listing of the top concepts. Without the additional triples added by the inferencing engine, the listing will not be displayed (as the information is missing).

The downside of using a rule-based inferencer like owlrl is the expensive calculations. This causes a slow start-up time for VocView.

It is recommended to have inferencing performed on the source repository before loading the data into VocView.

Therefore, inferencing is an optional feature.


An alternative to rule-based inferencing is the Python skosify library. This library contains a collection of inferencing functions specifically for SKOS properties. Since this library only focuses on SKOS things, it may be much faster than the owlrl library, thus reducing start-up time.

This is a potential feature for a future VocView version.

Search within registers

VocView contains registers for vocabularies and concepts.

Naive search

The current search implementation is a naive, string-based text-match on the register items' labels. For simple searches on the label, this works well (and fast) enough. Time complexity is Θ(n) where n is the number of items in the register.

This naive search matches not only full-text in labels, but also partial text. It is also case-insensitive.

E.g. a search query "form" will match:

  • Landform type concepts .
  • Structural formation classification system concepts

Whoosh (full text search)

To be implemented in VocView...

Whoosh is a pure Python library text indexer for full text search. It is suitable for light-weight Python applications like VocView, to provide full text search, without requiring external dependencies (outside of Python).

A description of Whoosh from the official documentation:

  • Like one of its ancestors, Lucene, Whoosh is not really a search engine, it’s a programmer library for creating a search engine.

Creating a full text search engine using Whoosh would greatly improve the capabilities of searching items within registers. Whoosh would allow users to search for not only key words to match register items' labels, but also their definition, date, or any other interesting properties.

Whoosh has been used in related projects already, and it will only take probably a full weekend to implement.

Persistent store

On start-up, the first request performs the loading of all the RDF files into an in-memory graph. It then performs a deductive closure to expand the graph with additional triples outlined in the skos.ttl. This process makes the initial start-up time very slow.

One way to solve this is to have persistence of the graph between server restarts.

There are three options to choose from in's Config class.

  • memory
  • pickle
  • sleepycat
  • sqlite (not implemented)

Note: to re-index, simply delete the triplestore.p file if using the pickle method or delete the triplestore directory if using the sleepycat method.


There is no persistence when using memory as this mode requires loading all the RDF files into the graph on start-up each time.


Start-up time is very slow but performance is fast as the queries are performed on the graph, which is in memory (RAM).


Memory use is high as it requires the whole graph to be stored in the application's memory.


VocView supports saving the graph object to disk as a binary file. In Python, this is known as pickling. On start-up, VocView loads in the graph and saves it to disk. Each subsequent restart, VocView will automatically load in the pickled graph object from disk if it exists.


Performance is very fast compared to other persistent store methods. Queries made by each web request are performed on the in-memory graph, which is very fast.


Memory use is high as it requires the whole graph to be stored in the application's memory.


(The defunct) Sleepycat was the company that maintained the freely-licensed Berkeley DB, a data store written in C for embedded systems.

RDFLib currently ships Sleepycat by default. See RDFLib's documentation on persistence here.


Extremely low memory usage compared to a method using in-memory graph. Good for instances of VocView with a large collection of vocabularies.


Roughly 10-20% slower than in-memory graph (due to filesystem read/write speeds). Requires installing Berkeley DB to the host system as well as downloading the Python bsddb3 package source and installing it manually.

Installing Sleepycat (Berkeley DB)

Ubuntu 18.04 and above

Install the Berkeley DB

sudo apt install python3-bsddb3

Install the Python package

pip install bsddb3

You now can use the Sleepycat as a persistent store.

macOS Mojave and above

First, ensure that brew is installed on macOS, then run

brew install berkeley-db

Download the bsddb3 source from PyPI like

Once unzipped and inside the package, run

python install --berkeley-db=$(brew --prefix)/berkeley-db/5.3.21/ 

You now can use the Sleepycat as a persistent store.

SQLite (not implemented)

According to the textbook Programming the Semantic Web [1], it is possible to use SQLite as the persistent data store for an RDFLib graph.

It will be a good experiment to investigate on the ease of using this, since most systems come with SQLite pre-installed (unlike Sleepycat's Berkeley DB).

It will also be interesting to see the speed differences between SQLite and Sleepycat's store.


[1] Segaran, Evans, & Taylor. (2009). Programming the Semantic Web (1st ed.). Beijing ; Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.



Developer's guide



Edmond Chuc


VocView: a SKOS vocabulary viewer web application written in Python. Tags: RDF, OWL, RDFS, SKOS, vocabularies, taxonomies, RDFLib, pyLDAPI, triplestore, Linked Data, Semantic Web








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