This repository provides an integration between Playwright and Vansah Test Management for Jira using TypeScript. It enables automated test logging, execution tracking, and Jira issue association directly from Playwright test scripts.
Website • More Connect Integrations
- Features
- Installation
- Prerequisites
- Configuration
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Dependencies
- Contributing
- Developed By
- Seamless integration with Vansah Test Management API.
- Automated test run creation linked to Jira issues and test folders.
- Real-time test logging with screenshots and step-by-step execution details.
- Environment and release tracking for test runs.
Before starting, ensure you have Node.js installed.
npm install
- Vansah API Token: Obtain your API token from your Jira workspace.
- Vansah URL: The base URL for your Vansah instance (e.g.,
) or Obtain your Vansah Connect URL from Vansah API Tokens
- Create a
file in the project root and add your Vansah authentication token:VANSAH_TOKEN=your_vansah_api_token_here
- Update
with your Vansah API URL and relevant details.
├── vansahTestInit.ts # Initializes VansahNode with API details
├── VansahNode.ts # API client for interacting with Vansah
├── example.spec.ts # Sample Playwright test with Vansah integration
├── package.json # Project dependencies and metadata
├── .env # Environment variables (ignored in Git)
└── # Project documentation
Execute the following command to run Playwright tests with Vansah integration:
npx playwright test
The VansahNode.ts
file contains multiple functions to interact with Vansah API:
- setVansahUrl(url: string) – Sets the Vansah API base URL.
- setVansahToken(token: string) – Sets the authentication token for Vansah API.
- setSprintName(sprintName: string) – Sets the sprint name associated with test cases.
- setEnvironmentName(environmentName: string) – Sets the environment name for test runs.
- setReleaseName(releaseName: string) – Sets the release name for test cases.
- setJiraIssueKey(jiraIssueKey: string) – Associates a Jira issue with test runs.
- setTestFoldersId(testFoldersId: string) – Sets the test folder identifier.
- addTestRunFromJiraIssue(testCase: string) – Creates a test run linked to a Jira issue.
- addTestRunFromTestFolder(testCase: string) – Creates a test run linked to a test folder.
- addQuickTestFromJiraIssue(testCase: string, result: string) – Adds a quick test execution linked to a Jira issue.
- addQuickTestFromTestFolder(testCase: string, result: string) – Adds a quick test execution linked to a test folder.
- addTestLog(result: string, comment: string, testStepRow: number, imagePath?: string) – Logs a test result with optional image attachment.
The vansahTestInit.ts
file initializes VansahNode
with API credentials and relevant details. You must create this file and configure it as follows:
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import VansahNode from "./VansahNode";
const vansahnode = new VansahNode();
const token: string | undefined = process.env["VANSAH_TOKEN"];
if (!token) {
throw new Error("VANSAH_TOKEN is not set. Please configure it in your environment or .env file.");
// Set the Vansah API base URL
vansahnode.setVansahUrl(""); //The base URL for your Vansah instance (e.g., ``) or Obtain your [Vansah Connect URL]( from Vansah API Tokens
// Assign the API token for authentication
// Define the sprint name in Vansah where test cases will be linked
vansahnode.setSprintName("TF Sprint 1");
// Specify the testing environment (e.g., UAT, Production, Staging)
// Define the release name for organizing test cases
// Link the configuration to a Jira issue key for tracking test execution
export default vansahnode;
This ensures that VansahNode
is configured correctly and can be imported into test files.
The example.spec.ts
file demonstrates how to log test executions into Vansah:
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import vansahnode from "../vansah-binding/vansahTestInit";
let TEST_CASE = "TF-C72"; // Replace with your test case key
test.describe("Example Playwright Test with Vansah Integration", () => {
test.beforeAll(async () => {
await vansahnode.addTestRunFromJiraIssue(TEST_CASE); // Create a test run before executing tests
test("Verify homepage title", async ({ page }) => {
try {
try {
// Navigate to the Playwright homepage
await page.goto("");
// Verify the page title contains 'Playwright'
await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Playwright/);
await vansahnode.addTestLog("PASSED", "Homepage title is correct", 1, "sample/images/passed.png"); // Log success in Vansah
} catch (error) {
await vansahnode.addTestLog("FAILED", `Homepage title verification failed: ${error.message}`, 1, "sample/images/failed.png"); // Log failure in Vansah
throw error;
test("Check link navigation", async ({ page }) => {
try {
// Navigate to the Playwright homepage
await page.goto("");
// Click the 'Get started' link
await page.getByRole("link", { name: "Get started" }).click();
// Verify the 'Installation' heading is visible
await expect(
page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Installation" })
// Log success in Vansah
await vansahnode.addTestLog(
"Link navigation is correct",
} catch (error) {
// Log failure in Vansah
await vansahnode.addTestLog(
`Link navigation failed: ${error.message}`,
throw error;
- Before running tests, a test run is created and linked to a Jira issue.
- Each test logs the execution result (PASSED/FAILED) in Vansah.
- Screenshots are attached as evidence in case of failure.
- Assertions ensure that expected elements are visible and correct.
- Playwright (
) - Axios
- dotenv
Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to enhance this integration.