This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 26, 2020. It is now read-only.
- Allow setting username, password and auth type (#9)
- Add button to open the WebClient (#10). Please note that the WebClient button only appears on containers created with BCinaB alpha5 or later
- Show IP addresses in the detail pane (#11)
- Fix bug where all images where pulled if no tag was set (#12)
- When the browser window is closed or the client loses it's connection to the API, running image pulls are cancelled
- Move status from being a column on the main list to being a tooltip on column "state" and an entry in the detail pane
- Store all options entered in the create wizard as label
- Very early implementation of a log view (#5), probably not working very well (e.g. timestamps are missing and I had random OutOfMemory errors)