A book CRUD web service front-end (use with back-end repository called management-service)
As a book collector I want the ability to create, and keep up to date, a catalogue of all my books. The catalogue service should provide a list of all catalogued books from where I need to be able to add new books, update existing information and remove books.
Provide a multi-tier catalogue solution to add, edit, delete, and view current books. Build two separate Spring Boot services for an UI (User Interface) and Management Layer, with supporting DB. UI service must integrate the Management service's API utilizing a Jax-RS Client. Services should be packaged as executable jars, with all dependencies included. Scripts (Linux or Win) for service execution will be required.
UI - 1'st Service Requirements
Functional: • List all books • Add a new book • Edit an existing book • Delete current book
Technical: • Spring Boot 2 Web application • Java version: 1.8 • Maven project • Generate HTML in the web service that is returned as a full web page to be viewed in a browser. Any of the following technologies can be used: o JSP/JS (preferred) o Thymeleaf o Stringtemplate o Velocity o etc.
Management - 2'nd Service Requirements
Functional: • Expose a Rest Api for the following actions: o List o Add o Update o Delete
• Utilize an in-memory DB to support the above-mentioned operations. • Book data required: o Name o ISBN Number o Publish date (dd/MM/yyyy) o Price (ZAR) o Book Type (Hard Cover, Soft Cover, eBook, etc.)
Technical: • Spring Boot 2 application • Java version: 1.8 • Maven project