resources, links for OCR & greek
- Nick White, Ancient Greek OCR
- Bruce Robertson, Lace: Visualizing, Editing and Searching Polylingual OCR Results
- github: @brobertson
- Ryan Baumann, Antigraphaeus (Greek OCR in your browser)
- github: @ryanfb
- Ancient Greek OCR
- based on
- š tested on Windows
- requires installation of
- requires an Ancient Greek OCR training file (provided)
- based on
- Antigrapheus the same with the above but runs in a web browser, using Tesseract.js.
- based on
- š tested
- no installation required
- based on
- Lace
- Designed for High-Performance Computing (HPC environments). From their FAQ: "...not ideally suited for a desktop environment. We strongly recommend the tesseract OCR Engine and Nick White's polytonic Greek classifiers"
- results since 2014 employed the Ciaconna Greek OCR process (Ocropus open source engine, with custom classifiers, image preprocessing and spell-check routines written in Python)
- the earlier process, used from 2012 - 2014, is named 'Rigaudon' and is based on the Gamera image processing library. All code and classifiers for Rigaudon are posted in a github repository.
- Tools and advice for the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of Ancient Greek
- Digital Nyssa Project: From OCR to Plain Text
- Improving the quality of the output from Tesseract Docs
- Thesaurus Linguae GraecaeĀ® -A Digital Library of Greek Literature
- Perseus Digital Library Project
- First One-Thousand Years of Greek Project