This is a repo set up to follow along with Drew Conley's Let's Build an RPG with JavaScript tutorial.
We were able to draw something to the screen, scale it up, and place an object in a different position (after aligning the spritesheet, of course).
TIL about self-executing functions:
(function () {
console.log("This looks odd, right?!");
Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) An IIFE is a function that runs as soon as it is defined. It is "immediate" because it executes right away, and it is "invoked" because it is called. This pattern is useful for creating a new scope, avoiding global namespace pollution, and encapsulating logic that should not be exposed outside of the current execution context.
Part 2: Adding Game Objects
Today we refactored the code and created 2 more component(ish) files. I had a bit of an issue with where the characters were positoned, but I was able to resolve it by fixing a typo.
Part 3: Overworld Maps
Part 4: Grid Based Movement