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Application to store and share images without any database.


  • Make Swagger documentation
  • Cover with tests all endpoint
  • Use query params to return base64 agains plain image
  • Add posibility to upload image using multipart/form-data


This is litle microservice that can help you store and share images.
Microservice have just one route which you can easily configure, set your name of the route, by default it's /api/images.
By this route you can easily upload image and download it back.
When you upload image to service, special ID will be generated for this image and you can download image back only with this unique ID. With this mechanism, privacy is ensured. Only the user who has image ID can have access to this image. You should store ID's and share them by your own rules and requirements.
You can upload image by POST request using base64 or using multipart/form-data. Upload image available using plain image or base64.
All images is storing in JPEG format with 80% of quality to save disc space

How to start

using docker image

docker run -p 2044:80 appshop/image-service
This command will download image and start server on 2044 port your machine. Also you could configure all available environment.

using source code

git clone
cd image-service
npm install
npm run build

After that you can start server in different way:
npm start - start server in development mode

NODE_ENV=production npm run start:prod - start server in production mode

pm2 start ecosystem.config,js - start server using PM2 (ensure you have PM2 installed)

All available environment

NODE_ENV (default: 'production')
PORT (default: 80)
ROUTE (default: '/api/images') - http route to upload and download images
ID_LEN (default: 32) - length of generated image unique name
ID_PREFIX (default: '' - empty) - prefix before image unique name

Explanation about image configuration ID.
For example, if you will set ID_LEN to 4 and ID_PREFIX to 'p_', then program will generate names likes this one: 'p_N1'. Length of the ID will be strong equal to ID_LEN. Changing ID_LENGTH very useful when you want to save space in your DB (decrease id length) or increase security (increase id length).
Changing ID_PREFIX useful when you want to give to your service some personalization and increase the recognition by users.


sudo docker exec -it [ID] tail -f logs/info.log
sudo docker exec -it [ID] tail -f logs/error.log
[ID] - id or name container


Github Repo
Swagger API Documentation
Docker Cloud Repo


Example part of valid docker compose file:

    image: appshop/image-service
      ROUTE: "/images"
      ID_LEN: 16
      ID_PREFIX: "s"


Service for storing images







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