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Student Beans Connect iOS SDK

Library for integrating Student Beans Connect in iOS.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4



  • Languages: Swift
  • Minimum iOS version: 11.0


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website.

To integrate the SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile with the latest BETA release tag:

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'SBConnect', :git => ''

Then, run the following command in the terminal from your project directory:

$ pod install


Download SBConnect.xcframework from the top level of this repository. Drag the framework in to your project directory:

File Structure

Ensure that “Copy items if needed” is checked when choosing options for adding the framework.

Copy Items If Needed

Make sure to select “Embed & Sign” in Target Settings > General.

Embed And Sign


Please refer to the demo app within the SBConnectDemo folder as an example of how to integrate this library into your own app.

SBConnect requires that you add an NSCameraUsageDescription string to your info.plist. This allows SBConnect to request permission to use the user's camera in the event they need to send documents for student verification. We suggest adding the following key - value pair or something similar to your info.plist source code:

<string>Send Student Beans your verification documents to get your discount!</string>

SBConnect is added using the import statement:

import SBConnect

We provide a protocol SBConnectProtocol for the SBConnect class, which you can use to mock SBConnect for unit testing purposes:

var sbConnect: SBConnectProtocol.Type = SBConnect.self

If you don't want to use the protocol, you can use the SBConnect class directly. To do this, omit the above line and replace uses of sbConnect with SBConnect.

SBConnect has only one method; connect(presentingViewController:slug:countryCode:completion:). Call this method to show the user the SBConnect view, which allows your student users to log in to Student Beans and collect their discount code. Pass your offer slug, country code, and a completion handler for responding to the various routes the user could take:

sbConnect.connect(presentingViewController: self, slug:"<your-unique-sb-offer-slug>", countryCode: "<uk>") { [weak self] response in

Note the optional presentingViewController is required if you wish to specify the view controller to present from. This value can be defaulted to nil, in which case SBConnect will attempt to present from the rootViewController on your keyWindow.

Upon calling this method, the SBConnect view will be displayed and will handle all user interaction within the view. It's important you liaise with your Student Beans account manager to confirm your slug and country code and pass these correctly, otherwise you will be returned an error and the SBConnect view will close.

The completion handler passed to connect(slug:countryCode:completion:) returns a single parameter of SBConnectResponse type:

public enum SBConnectResponse: Equatable {
    case success(_ discountCode: String?)
    case failure(_ error: SBConnectError)
    case closed

You should handle the SBConnectResponse using a switch statement, for example:

private func handleSBConnectResponse(_ response: SBConnectResponse) {
    switch response {
    case .success(let discountCode):
        // Apply discount at checkout
    case .failure(let error):
        // Handle the error
    case .closed:
        // Prompt user

The success case is returned when your student user has completed their authentication with Student Beans and retrieved their discount code. It is now copied to their clipboard, and passed as an optional String so you can choose to perform your own actions such as automatically applying the discount code to their basket.

The closed case is returned when the user manually closes the SBConnect view. You may wish to show the user a prompt, or perform tracking actions here.

The failure case is returned when an error occurs during the lifetime of the SBConnect view. An SBConnectError is passed with the following cases:

public enum SBConnectError: LocalizedError, Equatable {
    case invalidParameters
    case pageNotFound(_ errorDescription: String?)
    case codeIssuance(_ errorDescription: String?)
    case general(_ errorDescription: String?)
    case noCameraUsageString

An invalidParameters error occurs when either the slug or countryCode passed to connect(slug:countryCode:completion:) is empty. You must provide a valid slug and countryCode in order to find your offer.

A pageNotFound error occurs when your offer cannot be found by SBConnect. This could be due to a typo in your slug or countryCode. This can also occur when your offer is not yet live, or expired. If you have checked your slug and countryCode are correct and still receive this error, please contact your Student Beans account manager.

A codeIssuance error occurs when we have run out of unique discount codes for your offer or your offer has expired. These are rare and will usually be quickly resolved by your account manager at Student Beans. If you experience these errors often, or for a prolonged period of time, please contact your Student Beans account manager.

A general error is a catch-all error that can occur for a number of reasons such as network errors and server errors. As above, if you experience these errors often, or for a prolonged period of time, please contact your Student Beans account manager.

A noCameraUsageString error occurs when your app does not provde NSCameraUsageDescription string to your info.plist. Please see the first step for integration under the usage section above.