An app to display weather conditions for a particular city.
A version (hopefully latest) of the app can be accessed from here
Enter a city name, click on one of the fetched city results and the weather info for that city shall be rendered.
Just a friendly reminder, the data presented by the app undergoes certain approximations and does not claim to be fully accurate.
NOTE : App is developed using Node 18 (LTS)
install the dependencies using
npm install
run the client using npm run dev
install the dependencies using npm install
run the server using npm start
client is a react app utilizing parcel bundler, water.css is used for styling. Some svg icons distributed by AM Charts (under CC BY 4.0 license) have been used and associated LICENSE has been preserved in the codebase.
server is an express based node application, exposing a very simplified version of the Open Meteo API.
As of now the client is being deployed using firebase hosting and the server is being deployed using