This is a repo for the semester project of MSc in AI at NSCR Demokritos x University of Piraeus. The project is about building a song similarity search system utilizing DL methods.
The environment used during the development of this project was created with anaconda using python 3.12.3. You can choose to create you own virtual environment, although, an environment.yml
is included in the repository to facilitate the dependency management.
To create the envrionment, make sure you have Anaconda installed in your local environment and simply run:
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will create the virtual envrionment named multimodal-2024
and you can activate it afterward by running:
conda activate multimodal-2024
NOTE: Please make sure that ffmpeg
is installed in your environment since the segmentation process can fail if this software is not installed before hand since pydub
is not able to operate correctly without finding its installation path.
Now, you should be able to go through the rest of the project without having issues with dependencies.
Download the fma_small dataset from FMA Github Repo.
Get the data in MP3 format by unziping the file:
- zip_file: Path to zip, e.g. "path/to/zip/"
- destination_path: Destination folder of the decompressed data, e.g. "destination/folder/"
from import unzip_data
unzip_data(zip_file, destination_path)
In order to convert the unzipped data from MP3 to WAV run the python script below.
- source_folder is where the directory where the unzipped data is located
- destination_folder is where we want the WAV files to be stored
- sample_rate is the sample rate used for conversion
from import get_wav_data
get_wav_data(source_folder, destination_folder, sample_rate)
To run the inference pipeline certain requirements have to be met since not all components can be included in the repository itself. These are the following:
Models: To inference samples you need to have a folder named
in your root directory containing all three downstream taks classification models, saved in
format. Meaning, the following structure has to be created with respect to the names of the models:/root/ ├── models/ ├── ├── └──
Database Setup: The pipeline assumes that a running MySQL server with the correct schema, tables and data is running in your environment. This is important since track details are saved as metadata in the database. module
includes specific information on how to setup your local database environment and insert all metadata needed for the pipeline.
To showcase the pipeline correctly, most components have to be executed first. Meaning that indexes have to be created (the most important ones are included in the repository) under the similarity_engine/index
module folder. These are important to run the search operation.
The demo application uses streamlit
to run so simply run the script
located in the root directory of the repository using this command:
streamlit run