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Welcome Back to New Eden

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@eXpl0it3r eXpl0it3r released this 06 Oct 09:03
· 295 commits to master since this release

While still lurking in the shadow of the big industries and hiding from the Accord's Security Specialists, the Pirate Intelligence Network is seeing it's first released version. It's finally time to Welcome you Back to New Eden. It has been a while, but this is just the dawn of a new beginning.



  1. Install Firefall via Steam
  2. Edit the firefall.ini located in steamapps\common\Firefall
  3. Add content from below
  4. Download the latest PIN release
  5. Make a backup copy of the original FirefallClient.exe in Firefall\system\bin
  6. Replace the FirefallClient.exe with the patched FirefallClient.exe from the PIN release
  7. Make sure the .NET 5 Runtime is installed
  8. Trust self-signed development certificates by running dotnet dev-certs https --trust
  9. Start all three applications:
    • GameServer
    • MatrixServer
    • WebHostManager
  10. Start Firefall
  11. Login to the server:
    • If Steam auto login has been enabled, you will directly ne navigated to the character selection screen
    • Otherwise, leave the login fields blank or enter anything you want and click "Login"
  12. Load into the game by pressing the "Enter World" button


OperatorHost = "localhost:4400"

AssetStreamPath = "http://localhost:4401/AssetStream/%ENVMNEMONIC%-%BUILDNUM%/"
VTRemotePath = "http://localhost:4401/vtex/%ENVMNEMONIC%-%BUILDNUM%/static.vtex"

PlayIntroMovie = false

Change Log

  • MatrixServer to handle client connection establishment and hand off to GameServer
    • Supports all five packets: ABRT, HEHE, HUGG, KISS, POKE
  • GameServer to handle map zoning and basic character movement
    • Zone into New Eden
    • Spawn on a Watch Tower
    • Have a pre-defined set of Visuals
    • Use your Primary and Secondary Weapon (sometimes it doesn't work)
    • Run and sprint around the whole map
  • WebHostManager to deal with standard web requests from the client through different WebHosts
    • Handle login requests via hardcoded Oracle ticket
    • Provide hardcoded account details
    • Serve the necessary Host Information
    • Return static assets when provided by the user