A rails application providing a REST-like API to develop a photo share application
It includes a clusterred solr search engine, a simple admin panel and a simple frontend
Setup yml configuration files for all example files under config
Set a secret token at config/initializers/secret_token.rb. To generate a secret token, you can use:
$ rake secret
run solr with logging on the console (you need it even for db setup)
$ RAILS_ENV=development rake sunspot:solr:run
or start solr in the background:
$ RAILS_ENV=development rake sunspot:solr:start
setup database:
$ rake db:setup
seed database (take a look at db/seeds.rb first! public passwords will be seeded to the database!):
$rake db:seed
Reindex solr:
$ RAILS_ENV=development rake sunspot:solr:reindex
Start application (solr should be running already):
$ rails s
edit config/deploy.rb
Setup environment:
$ bundle exec cap deploy:setup
Set a secret token for the production installation:
generate a token:
$ rake secret
create a shared/config/initializers/secret_token.rb file in the RAILS_ROOT on the production web server:
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Your secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!
# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
PhotoShareServer::Application.config.secret_token = '{secret token}'
$ bundle exec cap deploy:migrations
Start solr:
$ cap solr:start
Seed database:
$ cap deploy:seed
Reindex solr on prod unfortunately does not work remotely, login, cd to current and run:
$ RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:reindex
View production logs:
$ cap tail_logs
Stop solr to release jvm resources:
$ cap solr:stop