FUXA is a web-based Process Visualization (SCADA/HMI) software. With FUXA you can create modern process visualizations with individual designs for your machines and real-time data display.
- S7 Protocol to communicate with Siemens CPU
- A client for OPC UA connectivity
- SCADA/HMI Web-Editor - Engineering and Design completely web-based
- Cross-Platform Full-Stack - Backend with NodeJs and Frontend with Web technologies (HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Angular, SVG)
Here is a live demo example of FUXA editor.
FUXA is developed with NodeJS (backend) and Angular (frontend). You can use the released Windows desktop version build with Electron framework or follow the installation.
You need to have installed Node (Version 10.17) and NPM (Version 6.11). You need Python 2.7 (in Windows add to Environment Variable PATH) why some packages must be compiled from the source.
Clone this repository or download it
git clone https://github.com/thingsroot/fuxa.git
cd ./server
npm install
Start NodeJS server at http://localhost:1881
cd ./server
npm start
Open up a browser (better Chrome) and navigate to http://localhost:1881
First define your Device and bind the Variable or Signals
Please refresh the page once after adding
Now you can test by changing the values to PLC or manually with the testbench
Install and start to serve the frontend
cd ./client
npm install
npm start
Start the Server and Client (Browser) in Debug Mode
In vscode: Debug ‘Server & Client’
Build the frontend for production
cd ./client
ng build --env=prod
Tested with:
- Windows 10, nodejs version 10.8.0, npm version 6.2.0
- Raspberry PI (Raspbian 2018-11-13, Kernel 4.14), nodejs version 10.15.3, npm version 6.4.1
If you identify any errors, or have an idea for an improvement, please open an issue.