- Build a web app using the most popular JavaScript backend and frontend frameworks.
- Get started in minutes with a unified codebase - no need to sync or deploy multiple services.
- Use typed DB data directly in React via GraphQL and SSR.
- End-to-end type safety from database to forms.
- When the time is right, you can easily split the frontend and backend into separate services.
Featured in:
- Geek Culture: NestJS + React (Next.js) in One MVC Repo for Rapid Prototyping
- Geek Culture: Automagically Typed GraphQL Queries and Results With Apollo
- JavaScript in Plain English: OAuth2 in NestJS for Social Login (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc)
- JavaScript in Plain English: Cognito via OAuth2 in NestJS: Outsourcing Authentication Without Vendor Lock-in
It has
- Example REST and GraphQL modules, DB using TypeORM as seen on https://docs.nestjs.com/
- Next.js integration for React on the frontend (howto article)
- Typed queries & results with GraphQL out of the box (howto article)
- Authentication via Passport.js including Social providers (howto article), AWS Cognito (howto article), and JWT strategy for REST and GraphQL
- Docker setup
- Typescript, ESLint
- CI via GitHub Actions
- Running tasks (e.g. DB seeding) via nestjs-console
- Unit and integration testing via Jest
- Heroku deployment setup
- Google Analytics 4
cp .env.example .env
docker compose up
docker compose exec web yarn lint
docker compose exec web yarn test
docker compose exec web yarn test:request
docker compose exec web yarn build
docker run -it -v $PWD:/e2e -w /e2e --network="host" --entrypoint=cypress cypress/included:12.2.0 run
REST endpoint via Nest
JWT-protected REST endpoint via Nest
GraphQL playground (query WhoAmI
is JWT-protected)
query Public {
things {
users {
# Add Header: { "Authorization": "Bearer <token>" }
query Private {
whoAmI {
orders {
thing {
mutation createOrder {
createOrder(alias: "myname", thingName: "this is a thing you can order") {
Cognito auth (redirects to hosted Cognito UI)
Google auth
Next.js page
JWT-protected Next.js page