This repository combines infectious disease data (COVID-19 cases, deaths, vaccinations) with county-level characteristics (income, demographics, comorbidities)
These data come from NY Times covid-19 data project that provided cumulative state and county-level covid-19 data from 2020-2023. These data include cases, deaths, and hospitalizations. This project also includes a supplemental survey that reports county-level mask-wearing behavior, and supplemental data for colleges and prisons.
There are a few data files in this repository that exceed github's size limit. If you are making changes to these files, you will need to install the Git Large File Storage before you can push changes to the main branch. Install instructions can be found here: Git Large File Storage Install Instructions
Once you've made your edits to the large file, push your changes with the installed commands
git lsf push --all origin main
Then, proceed with the usual git commands:
- To add file contents to the index
git add <filename.ext>(-A adds all changes in the current directory)
- To record changes to the repository
git commit -m "[commit message]"
- To update the main branch with your changes
git push