Welcome to my personal portfolio website! Here, you'll find:
- My professional background and resume
- A showcase of projects I’ve built
- Links to my GitHub, LinkedIn, and other profiles
- A way to contact me directly
- Frontend: React.js, Chakra UI
- State Management: Context API
- Form Handling: Formik + Yup
- Animations: Framer Motion
- Language Support: i18next (English & French)
- Analytics: Google Analytics with Cookie Consent
- Deployment: Hosted on Heroku
- Domain: Custom domain registered via GoDaddy
- Modern & Responsive UI (optimized for desktop & mobile)
- Dark Mode / Light Mode toggle
- Language Selection (EN / FR)
- Projects Section:
- Google Analytics Integration
- Contact Form (with email notifications)
- Resume Download feature
- Privacy Policy Page explaining how user data is managed
- SEO-Optimized for better visibility