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Hannah H edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 12 revisions

Issue 48 Issue Closed. ONIX output for OAPEN available.

OAPEN is an online library and publication platform promoting and supporting the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication.

  • Preferred metadata format: ONIX 3.0, encoded in UTF-8
  • Other supported formats: DOCX, XLSX, CSV, ONIX 2.1
  • File transfer: through URL in ONIX 3.0 spec
  • Cover file: Extracted from content file
  • Content files: PDF, EPUB
  • Chapter support: No

OAPEN provides guidelines for uploading books and metadata and a sample ONIX 3.0 file.

In March 2024 OAPEN moved to Thema classification codes because of the deprecation of the BIC schema. Uploads must now contain Thema codes rather than BIC codes. You can download the conversion table here.

OAPEN provides multiple metadata feeds, including MARCXML, ONIX 3.0, and CSV.


OAPEN would prefer to ingest data from Thoth via an OAI-PMH feed. Upon metadata & file retrieval the book will typically be live on OAPEN within 5 working days.

OA books in the OAPEN repository are automatically indexed in the DOAB provided they are published under a free to share license.


OAPEN can support embargo periods for books (typically up to 3 months). The book page will be live, including description but the book file(s) cannot be accessed yet. Upon request and for special occasions only OAPEN can manually input a title and its metadata on an exact day to ensure it won't appear in any form online prior to the desired date.

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