This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 20, 2021. It is now read-only.
Releases: threefoldtecharchive/rivine
Releases · threefoldtecharchive/rivine
Authorized addresses extension update
- Ability to drop the minerfees for authcoin extensension transaction
- Ability to allow all addresses to be authorized by default and to de-authorize some
- Unit test stability
- Use the vuejs explorer for the example chain
- The example chain is generated using rivinecg
- Caddy plugin for load balancing
- Improve block validation speed
- Improve Gateway closing speed
- CLI client basic functionality can be used without the need of a daemon
- testnet faucet (threefoldtech/home#36);
- Extensions: minting and authorized addresses
- better container support:
- unencrypted wallets
- tool for easier custom chain creation
- Electrum module with support for address notifications
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