Based on L2 tBTC SDK Relayer Implementation
This project is built with NodeJS and includes a variety of libraries to facilitate development. The project is configured to use Docker for easy setup and deployment.
To run the project using Docker, follow these steps:
Download the file from this repository.
with your customizations:- PRIVATE_KEY: The wallet private key you will use in your application.
- EthereumRPC: URL for the Ethereum RPC
- ArbitrumRPC: URL for the Arbitrum RPC
Run the following command to start the project:
docker compose -f up
- @ethersproject/experimental: ^5.7.0
- axios: ^1.7.2
- bitcoinjs-lib: ^6.0.1
- compression: ^1.7.4
- cors: ^2.8.5
- eth-crypto: ^2.6.0
- ethers: ^5.7.2
- express: ^4.18.2
- helmet: ^6.1.4
- node-cron: ^3.0.3
- rimraf: ^6.0.1
- @types/axios: ^0.14.0
- @types/compression: ^1.7.5
- @types/express: ^4.17.21
- @types/helmet: ^6.0.1
- @types/node: ^20.1.4
- @types/node-cron: ^3.0.11
- ts-node: ^10.9.2
- ts-node-dev: ^2.0.0
- typescript: ^5.5.3
To start the application in development mode, run:
npm run dev
The following npm scripts are avaliable:
- `npm run dev`: Runs the application in development mode.
- `npm start`: Runs the application in production mode