Docker #26
1 error and 1 warning
Build Docker image for python@linux/riscv64
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -exo pipefail -c echo \"pip==$TSN_ASDF_PYPI_PIP_VERSION\" >> $WSUSER_HOME/.default-python-packages && echo \"setuptools==$TSN_ASDF_PYPI_SETUPTOOLS_VERSION\" >> $WSUSER_HOME/.default-python-packages && echo \"virtualenv==$TSN_ASDF_PYPI_VIRTUALENV_VERSION\" >> $WSUSER_HOME/.default-python-packages && echo \"wheel==$TSN_ASDF_PYPI_WHEEL_VERSION\" >> $WSUSER_HOME/.default-python-packages && echo \"poetry==$TSN_ASDF_PYPI_POETRY_VERSION\" >> $WSUSER_HOME/.default-python-packages && echo \"west==$TSN_ASDF_PYPI_WEST_VERSION\" >> $WSUSER_HOME/.default-python-packages && asdf install python $TSN_ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION && asdf global python $TSN_ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION && asdf reshim python && asdf local python $TSN_ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION && asdf list python && pip --version && pip3 --version && pip3.12 --version && python --version && python3 --version && python3.12 --version && python-config --help && python3-config --help && python3.12-config --help && pip list --verbose" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
Set up job
You are running out of disk space. The runner will stop working when the machine runs out of disk space. Free space left: 99 MB