timechain academy website
Buit with Nuxt3 js with tailwindcss and Content v2.0 plugin. Dependencies kept to a minimum.
$ git clone https://github.com/timechain-academy/timechain-web
$ yarn install (installs dependencies)
$ yarn dev -o (starts local dev server at localhost:3000)
- replace lorem ipsum placeholder text with real content at:
- blog page
- library site (timechain-docs)
- events page
- update Donate link
- add pagination for blog list, events.
- replace links with NuxtLink if it helps [todo]
- Refactor tailwindcss into reusable components [todo]
- integrate cal.com, btc/ln payments for sessions [future]
- Plugins to be used at a minimum.
- We need to make sure that version locking happens in package.json [todo]
- Keep as low maintenance as possible. any user can edit pages via markdown on github
- tailwindcss
- @tailwindcss/typography
- @tailwindcss/forms
- hyperUI front page layout