A simple planner for the game leitstellenspiel.de. This planner is available at lss-planner.netlify.app
- Read the Leitstellenspiel API for data about vehicles, buildings and credits
- Read the LSS-Manager API for data about vehicle types, building types and building extensions
- Save API data locally in the browser
- Display vehicles at /vehicles
- Display buildings at /buildings
- Display basic information about the user
- Add the ability to plan buildings
- Add the ability to plan vehicles
- Add the ability to plan already-built buildings
- Show credits needed to complete plans
- Show vehicles and buildings needed for missions
more features soon...
Questions and suggestions are welcome!
Client: Svelte, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI
Server: Node, Vite
For support, email tim@heidler.eu.org or open an issue.