Vue.JS translation of ComiSeo jQuery DateTime range picker
To start working, issue these commands
$ mkdir datepicker
$ cd datepicker
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Keep in mind that Node.js is configured to listen on all network interfaces ( and this would require root account - so change it accordingly (devServer section in webpack.config.js)
You can invoke the component like this
<date-picker v-bind:options="object_with_properties"></date-picker>
The component actually consists of 3 sub-components
- menu with presets (on the left)
- row of month calendars with headings (on the right)
- button panel (at the bottom)
The menu with presets is only visible if there is at least one preset defined.
The button panel is only visible if at least one of the buttons is not hidden (with empty caption).
The row of monthly calendars contains at least 1 and at most 3 months.
Explanation of options:
Property name | Type | Default | Description | ||||||||||||
cur_date | Date | Today |
The year and month will be used to determine the rightmost calendar, the rest will be ordered backwards | ||||||||||||
startDate | Date | null |
The start of the currently selected range | ||||||||||||
finalDate | Date | null |
The end of the currently selected range | ||||||||||||
maxDate | Date or Number | True |
Maximum allowed date - use null for no limitation; can be a relative number of days counted from Today | ||||||||||||
minDate | Date or Number | True |
Minimum allowed date - use null for no limitation; can be a relative number of days counted from Today | ||||||||||||
firstDay | Integer | 1 | Which of the weekdays is the start of the week (1=Monday, ..., 7=Sunday) | ||||||||||||
applyOnMenuSelect | Boolean | True |
Whether to simulate Click event for the Apply button after a range preset was chosen | ||||||||||||
applyButtonText | String | 'Apply' |
The caption for the Apply button - use empty string to hide the button | ||||||||||||
clearButtonText | String | 'Clear' |
The caption for the Clear button - use empty string to hide the button | ||||||||||||
cancelButtonText | String | 'Cancel' |
The caption for the Cancel button - use empty string to hide the button | ||||||||||||
initialText | String | 'Select date range...' |
A placeholder - shown while there is no range selected, use empty string to hide | ||||||||||||
rangeSplitter | String | ' - ' |
String used between the start and end dates | ||||||||||||
numberOfMonths | Integer | 3 | How many month calendars to show (1, 2 or 3). A number less than 1 will show 1 month calendar, number greater than 3 will show 3 month calendars | ||||||||||||
stepMonths | Integer | 1 | Set how many months to move when clicking the Previous/Next links | ||||||||||||
hideIfNoPrevNext | Boolean | False |
Normally the previous and next links are disabled when not applicable (see the minDate and maxDate options). You can hide them altogether by setting this attribute to True |
yearSuffix | String | "" |
Additional text to display after the year in the month headers (e.g. AC/BC) | ||||||||||||
changeYear | Boolean | False |
Shows drop-down list for changing the year | ||||||||||||
yearRange | Array | [Curr-2, Curr-1, Curr, Curr+1, Curr+2] |
Which years to show in the drop-down list | ||||||||||||
changeMonth | Boolean | False |
Shows drop-down list for changing the month | ||||||||||||
showMonthAfterYear | Boolean | False |
Whether to show the month after the year in the header (default is before) | ||||||||||||
showWeek | Boolean | False |
When True, a column is added to show the week of the year. The calculateWeek option determines how the week of the year is calculated |
weekHeader | String | Wk |
The text to display for the week of the year column heading. Use the showWeek option to display this column |
showOtherMonths | Boolean | False |
When True, first and last weeks of the given month are not clipped and include dates from previous and next month so that weeks always contain full 7 days | ||||||||||||
selectOtherMonths | Boolean | False |
Only effective if showOtherMonths is True. When True, dates injected from the adjacent months in first and last week of the given month are selectable/clickable - otherwise disabled |
monthNames | Array of String | English names | The list of full month names | ||||||||||||
monthNamesShort | Array of String | 3-letter English names | The list of abbreviated month names for use in month headers | ||||||||||||
dayNames | Array of String | English names | The list of the full weekday names ordered from Monday to Sunday | ||||||||||||
dayNamesShort | Array of String | 3-letter English names | The list of the abbreviated weekday names ordered from Monday to Sunday | ||||||||||||
dayNamesMin | Array of String | 2-letter English names | The list of the minimized weekday names ordered from Monday to Sunday | ||||||||||||
verticalOffset | Integer | 4 | Offset in pixels of the date-range picker relative to the trigger button | ||||||||||||
calculateWeek | Function | iso8601 |
A function to calculate the week of the year for a given date. The default implementation uses the ISO-8601 definition - weeks start on a Monday; the 1-st week of the year contains the first Thursday of the year | ||||||||||||
presets | Object |
Array of objects. Each object describes an item in the presets menu and must have the following properties:
Component emits the following events:
Event | Arguments | Explanation |
onApply |
Event is generated by the Apply button |
onCancel | Event is generated by the Cancel button |