"# basikon-ai"
Users can upload a PDF or an image
Users can shoot their IBAN (bank information) with the camera of their device.
Document is attached to an entity (person, contract).
Data extracted from IBAN are mapped in person.bankAccounts[]
bankAccounts: [
name: String, //name of the account
bankIban: String,
bankBic: String,
bankName: String,
bankCountry: String,
bankOwner: String,
bankOpeningDate: Date,
bankPreferredWithdrawalDate: String,
rumMandateId: String,
rumDateOfSignature: Date
Company informations are usually composed of :
- balancesheet
- trial balance
Process would be :
- user upload balancesheet/trial balance in pdf
- transform balancesheet/trial balance pdf into a basikonsheet representing the original documents
- transform basikonsheet to standard basikonsheet grid analysis
The result will be 3 entities attached to contract, credit line, funds or person
- the original doc
- the basikonsheet representation of the original doc
- the target basikonsheet define by the company
The result can be applied after training and configuration to any pdf/image document presenting numbers in tables