The homepage
The official dictionary
The official grammar of the Toaq PEG parser
Autohotkeys script
An explanation of serial predicates
The kata, an incredibly short introduction
List of sentences, with audio
The subreddit
Toaq word proposal list
Memrise course of simple predicates, 2018-06-03
toaq 1.0 dict prep
toaq wiki
A list of links ;)
On Relative Clauses, Or the horse that is white
Luin shain suon (ru can beon mu tein); Toankuer; a metric system
A true story on youtube
Their youtube channel, with some fables recorded
Sa Búai Hủohūa
Serial predicates
Toakue, a Toaq–Toaq dictionary
A serial predicate engine that expands serials into their full forms
A list of predicate frames
An AutoKey script
hoa taxonomy
hoaqgio's cheatsheet for hoekai
aesop's fables
baq buai huohua
'Some recordings' < >
Dỉo da, nủaq da (TOAQ RAP)
Pronouncing a list of Toaq animal words
Toaq Gold
Toaq with Ease
The document for editing Toaq with Ease
A Toaq interactive keyboard
Autohotkeys script
The Blog
A first version of Toaq's grammar, written in Prolog, 2013
The Toaq Alpha Primer, a primer on an old version of Toaq
A first draft of Toaq
Tones of Old Toaq
Recording of Old Toaq
omniglot hoelai
solpahi's lojban page
toaq rap
toaq pronominals
road to gold
missing vocab
Proverbs from around the world translated into Toaq
Toaq mathematics
etherpad links
lambda expressions in toaq
toaq number system proposals
badass summary of tones
chuotiai, hover mouse to see definitions of words
The vietoaq quizzer
A frequency list of toaq words, collected on March 6 2019
Toaq selmaho: a matrix of word types, the cross product of the consonants with the vowels... This is weird, and interesting.
A toaq parser and logic translator
Miu's grammar
grammatical dictionary of toaq and english
Ruaipjoal pon tu huoipciar
Little phrase collection
Seaqtaq's list of links
The catalogue, partially devoured to make this one XD
A collection of short stories, with such classics as the grasshopper and the octopus.
“Words I don't get”
A memrise deck, learn how to use the tones
by uakci, 2018-09-13
by uakci, 2019-02-16
by Lynn, 2019-03-06, based on uakci's
how to pronounce q(
toaq parser
the great root reallocation
toaq gismu comparison