Manage logs on the servers easily. I have written this after fiddling with logrotate utility on linux boxes. Some of the problems which I encountered with logorotate utility are :
- There is no regex support in logrotate utility. Only globs are available
- You have to restart your application to point to new log file.
- Managing multiple actions for your logs e.g. you want to upload your logs to s3 selectively and then delete them from the disk
sudo yum install python-boto.noarch PyYAML.x86_64 python-httplib2.noarch -y
λ: python --help
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cfg=CONFIG read options from config file
--list list all sections
--only=ONLY only process the specified section from the file
- Using only option you can process a specific filegroup from the config file
- List option will process all the sections in the config file and provide the files list for action
path: '/mnt/ephemeral/jetty/logs/'
files: "server.log.*"
dateregex: '(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})'
upto: "1 days ago"
- s3
- delete
bucket: 'logs_testing'
path: '/mnt/ephemeral/jetty/logs/'
files: "activity.log.*"
dateregex: '(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})'
upto: "1 days ago"
- move
dest: "/tmp/"
path: '/mnt/ephemeral/jetty/logs/'
files: "*.start.log"
dateregex: '(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})'
upto: "1 days ago"
- delete
Three types of actions are supported
- S3 will upload your logs to the mentioned s3 bucket with structure as "bucket/instance_ID/logfilename"
- DELETE will delete the logs from the disk
- MOVE will the log files to the mentioned destination. It will create the destination if doesn't exists
You need to provide the date regex which is in the log file e.g. 2014-03-12.start.log
Provide file glob . e.g. for file name 2014-03-12.start.log glob will be *.start.log
Age is specified by "upto". Specify the maxage like "x days ago"