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v0.11 alpha release

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@davidbannon davidbannon released this 09 Jan 22:52
· 1057 commits to master since this release

Welcome to Release v0.11a of tomboy-ng

Warning - The offered binaries here are somewhat later than the v0.11 code. So, if you want to build your own, grab the code from trunk, not here. Binary users can and should upgrade to these binaries, they will almost certainly have less bugs than what you may be using now.

Changes since 0.11

  • we now have some application icons.
  • rewrite of how bullets work, I think much more intuitive now.
  • fixes to sync engine, more tolerant when something unexpected happens !

For install instructions, please see

Version 0.11

This release has concentrated on bug fixes and polishing. Its pretty stable, reasonably safe !

Two major bug fixes -

  • There was a problem with a note, once synced, then deleted was not being removed from the Sync Repo. Fixed.

  • If you applied certain formatting over text stating inside a Bullet List and ending up beyond that list, its was possible tomboy-ng would save the note using invalid xml. Issues #21, Fixed

Feature Changes

  • Code will now compile to 64bit Cocoa Application on a Mac. However, it does still have memory leaks.
  • The 'tables' used to display the list of note in various places now scroll smoothly.
  • Now easier to do initial config with the app making and using a Notes directory in a default place. You can still point it to an non standard existing directory if you wish.
  • Various small improvements to make things happen as expected.
  • Various small improvements to robustness.

Known Issues

  • Copy and paste are sometimes erratic the first time used. Issue #24
  • The way editing works around Bullets is not nice. For example, to turn off bullets from a block of text, you need to backspace at the end of the block, not the beginning.

We still lack lots of things such as -

  • Notebooks
  • Printing
  • Appropriate icons
  • Complete install packages
  • Fixed width fonts
  • We still have memory leaks on the Mac, minor on Carbon, be very carefull on Cocoa. Issue#17

Every new note is called "untitled note", you have to remember to change it. Annoying.

If you run it within the debugger, remember that there are several handled exceptions, the debugger insists on telling you about them so make sure you press "continue". Outside the debugger, you will not be aware of this happening.

Contributions are welcome as are suggestions on what needs to be a priority.