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0.15 tomboy-ng

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@davidbannon davidbannon released this 21 May 07:48
· 997 commits to master since this release

Whats new ?

  • Printing
  • A number of copy and paste fixes, we can now copy and paste formated text and clipboard contents remain after application exists.
  • Export of RTF now handles UTF8 cleanly.
  • Fixes for problems that might show during Notebook selection and Sync.
  • An ugly fix for Gnome3 users (ie Ubuntu 18.04) which does not display the green tomboy-ng SystemTray menu icon. Start tomboy-ng with either -g or --gnome3 switch.
  • An experimental Mac 64bit Cocoa based version - see tomboy-ng wiki before using please.
  • A substantial code restructure and a number of minor fixes. Only apparent (to users) difference is a small startup screen noting configuration. On some platforms, that screen cannot be dismissed (that may change in the future).

Please see the Installation Notes relating to Linux, Windows and the Mac at

Just want the libhunspell.dll ? Then download the windows 64bit package and discard (sob!) the tomboy-ng binary. Please note I don't provide and don't have a 32bit hunspell library.

Know Issues
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