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Building tomboy ng
Don't edit this wiki page, its generated from a note in tomboy-ng's doc dir.
This page is about building tomboy-ng from source and contributing to its development. Important - You do not need to do any of this to just use tomboy-ng, a key feature is its absolute minimal requirements at install time.
Tomboy-ng is built on Linux, Windows or Mac using -
Free Pascal Compiler - https://freepascal.org/ - version 3.2.0 or later.
Lazarus - https://www.lazarus-ide.org/ - version 2.2.0 (earlier versions may have some specific bugs, can be patched but .... Lazarus Fixes or trunk don't need patches either.)
Note that Lazarus 2.2.0 and later can better handle the problems that the Gnome Desktop has with the System Tray Icon. Strongly recommend Lazarus 2.2.2 or later for Gnome users.
kcontrols - https://bitbucket.org/tomkrysl/kcontrols - current version requires no patches.
Pascal as a computer language is quite old, in the early days of the PC it went toe to toe with C and lost. But it still has quite a following and current estimates place it in the top twenty languages. Today, Object Pascal is a very functional object orientated language that drives Delphi and its cross platform open source rival, Lazarus.
Pascal is still widely used as a teaching language, its strong typing promotes good programming habits and allows the compiler to pick up many common errors. Lazarus provides the easy to use cross platform IDE where a programmer can drag components onto a form and then attach code to the component's events. Its very quick and easy.
You are strongly encouraged to try building tomboy-ng for yourself. While Linux users may be able to get appropriate packages through their distribution, all users are advised to use current versions. Please see https://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus
Start Lazarus up, it runs through a check list of the things it needs, start the IDE. Lazarus opens a default, minimal project. Click Package->OnLinePackageManager, select kcontrols and Install ("from repositary"). Lazarus will want to rebuild itself and restart, say yes, please do!
You can now load the tomboy-ng project. Close any existing project, click open project and browse for the tomboy-ng project file, it has an extension of .lpi
Its also possible, and sometimes a good idea to build Lazarus from source. See the Lazarus wiki for more information.
Linux Deb Packages come in two varieties, Binary only and Source. A Source package is a bundle that can be used to build a binary package, possibly on other systems. A Source package is required by Ubuntu in its PPA model or to submit to the Debian repositories.
The tomboy-ng 'kit' includes tools to make a debian source package, and the same tools may be useful for someone who just needs to build a Linux binary. As of v0.30, this model is used to populate the Ubuntu tomboy-ng PPA, useful for U18.04 and later Ubuntu systems.
tomboy-ng will build using FPC3.2.0 and Lazarus 2.0.10. Debian Buster has FPC 3.2.0 and Lazarus 2.0.10, fine. I have established a Ubuntu PPA providing FPC320 and Lazarus 2.0.10 for harder systems. It is also possible to build Lazarus 2.0.10 (or 2.0.12) on a system with FPC 3.2.0.
See the Deb_SRC.readme file in the tomboy-ng kit for details.
This section intended for production releases, not DIY. The author has a Linux VB that has FPC 3.2.2 cross compilers to build ARM, 32 and 64bit Linux and Windows binaries. In the 'package' directory, there is a script that does so. That script makes a 32bit and 64bit deb files and a directory containing windows binaries along with necessary files to make a Windows installer.
Take the Windows Win_Pre{$ver} directory to a windows machine that has the Installer Maker (ISS) and double click the .iss file to make the Windows installers.
The Mac kits are made on a Sierra Mac, again using a script. Requires similar setup to above.
Packman kits built on my 21.2-X VM, using the script in scripts dir.