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Things for Next Release

davidbannon edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 30 revisions

Release Plan

With v0.31 out now, I expect tomboy-ng release cycles to be a little longer. Given that basic functionality is almost all there now, we can afford the luxury of a beta release cycle before formal release, the extra testing period will ensue a quality release and avoid bugs that sometimes creep in that require an unexpected (to me) combination to demonstrate.

New Features

Any, all or even none of these may make it into v0.32.

Better in note search capability.

  • Search and Replace.
  • Pre load local search when landing in a note after doing a main search. At present we jump to the first found search term but if user actually wants a further one, they must initiate a full local search.
  • Search backwards is unreliable.

Nextcloud Notes

I am still unconvienced that their API is suitable. So, this one is likely to be on hold.

Plain Directory Sync

A bit blue sky, but looks possible and maybe useful. If we can sync, in one-to-one mode, to a directory it may open up workflows facilatated by, eg, syncthing. The existing Android sync unit is a pretty good template, a new, and quite simple trans unit required.

Test to see if the MTP mounted filesystem from Tomdroid can be made work if the number of notes is kept quite small.

Selective Sync

Useful if we could associate (each separate) sync with a Notebook. That way, a user can declare a sync only involves certain notes. Need to model this a bit to ensure its safe.

PO tools

It would be nice to be able to manage the Help Notes via the .po system. This would make maintaining them a lot simpler for translators. But there are some issues.

  • Add an export in .po format.
  • Add an import from .po format.
  • Add an export to man page, html.....
  • But must have some means of merging existing translated content with new content, ie what happens to *.es.po when *.po is overwritten ? That is starting to sound like an implementation of POEdit. Can we find a way to use POEdit to do that syncing ?
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