Anyone who's had a fair share doing OOP programming is probably familiar with a somewhat tricky - sometimes very effective pattern called Decorator.
However, This pattern is not solely used in traditional OOP - and one can see abilities in languages like Python that allow one to wrap functions with decorations.
Unfortunately (or maybe not), C++ doesn't give out-of-the-box support for functions to be decorated.
So suppose one will get some variable/callback containing a function - one has no way to decorate it's functionality in an easy manner.
This library proposes a solution - one that is Simple (~ 70 lines) and Easy to use (one header file).
auto callback = &callback_function;
// decltype(&decorator_func) should be as decltype(callback)
const auto decorator = MAKE_DECORATOR(callback, decorator_func);
// this will also call decorator_func
For more please see the tests folder :)
- Support different calling conventions - like stdcall
MIT :)